WIN32FOR.NEW New Stuff in Win32Forth by Tom Zimmer Complete list of Win32Forth demo programs; Name Subject FILEDUMP.F A File Dump program contributed by Jih-tung Pai HELLO.F Windows interfacing without objects by Andrew McKewan ROMCALC.F A Roman numeral calculator by Lars Krueger WINBROWS.F File handling and window scrolling WINCLOCK.F Graphic clock in a window WINDEMO.F Graphics operations in a window WINDILOG.F User designed dialog box WINHELLO.F Windows interfacing with objects WINMULTI.F A multi window/menu program by Wolfgang Engler WINPAR.F Simple parallel port output WINSER.F Simple serial communications program WINVIEW.F Complete multi-file macro editor with hypertext Help on ANS definitions is now available while editing in WinView by clicking the mouse on an ANS word, then press the Ctrl-F1 key. The ANS definition of the word will be displayed. The change History of Win32Forth from previous versions is now in the file Win32For.PRV, and can be accessed from the "Previous Win32Forth Changes" menu item under the Help menu in the Forth console window. ************************************************************************ ********************** Win32Forth Change History *********************** ************************************************************************ July 9th, 2001 - 11:24 tjz Modifed Win32Forth per a suggestion from Richard Adams, with code provided by Bernd Paysan, to allow Filenames in Win32Forth to contain spaces. If a filename starts with either a ' (tick), or a " (quote) and ends with same, then it will be parsed using tick or quote, as a single word in those words that accept filenames. The code to do this is as follows; \ tjz, as posted from Bernd Paysan Thu, 05 Jul 2001 Thanks Bernd : /parse ( -- addr u ) >in @ char swap >in ! dup '"' = over ''' = or IF dup parse 2drop ELSE drop bl THEN parse ; : /parse-word ( -- a1 ) /parse pocket place \ get a word that may start with ' or " \ into pocket pocket +null \ make sure it is null terminated pocket ; /parse-word is then used in place of "bl word", in those places where a filename is expected. Thanks Bernd, and Richard for the suggestion and solution. tjz January 23rd, 2001 - 9:02 tjz Received a modified version of WinView from Robert Smith, that contains rectangular copy, paste, and deletion. An area of text is marked using the normal highlight mechanism, but while holding down the Control key. Thanks Bob, November 27th, 2000 - 12:03 tjz Modified /STRING to make it ANS compatible, it now has the following definition with will allow n1 to be negative. BE WARNED, that if you have existing code that uses /STRING, and assumes it will return a null string when a negative n1 is passed to it, then YOUR EXISTING CODE WILL BE BROKEN!. You will need to look at all uses of /STRING, and preceed those that may pass a negative n1 with "0MAX", to prevent unexpected things from happening. CODE /STRING ( addr1 len1 n1 -- addr2 len2 ) pop eax // November 27th, 2000 - 11:58 tjz // Added the following two lines to allow a negative argument to be // passed to /STRING, such that the string will be expanded. // Dangerous, but legal according to the ANS Forth standard. cmp ebx, # 0 jle short @@1 cmp ebx, eax jbe short @@1 mov ebx, eax @@1: add 0 [esp], ebx sub eax, ebx mov ebx, eax next c; November 20th, 2000 - 9:28 tjz Corrected in file 486ASM.F \ As reported by Michael Glassanenko, and verified by the \ Intel i486 Processor Programmer's Reference Manual 1990 on page \ 2-21, "The ESP register cannot be used as an index register". \ ** REMOVED THE FOLLOWING INDEXED ADDRESSING MODES ** \ unknown 32bit index 0c asm-op [esp*2] \ unknown 32bit index 14 asm-op [esp*4] \ unknown 32bit index 1c asm-op [esp*8] October 30th, 2000 - 9:37 tjz Added ID. to PRIMUTILS.F, which displays the name of a word given the NFA. Suggested by Anton Ertle and others, trying to improve compatibility between the various versions of Forth. My implementation will always display something, even when given an invalid NFA, it will display "[UNKNOWN]". October 13th, 2000 - 17:31 tjz Changed teh wrapper, per a suggestion from Sergey Denisov, to use GetTextExtentPoint32 instead of GetTextMetrics. September 12th, 2000 - 13:52 tjz Robert Smith reported that if you do the following; VOCABULARY XXX FORGET XXX Then all the dictionary is consumed, and there is therefore no more memory for your usage. I have corrected this in the file NFORGET.F by modifying (FORGET) to stop it from incorrectly setting DP to the system dectionary dictionary pointer. September 8th, 2000 - 16:55 tjz Julian V. Noble writes: The Win32For Release Notes, for v. 4.2 latest build should reflect the change in location of the fp stack, 4-1-98 note in float.f . August 24th, 2000 - 9:34 tjz After reading a bunch of discussion on the news group about [DEFINED] and [UNDEFINED] I have added them to Win32Forth's FORTH vocabulary. They take a string, and return a flag. They are IMMEDIATE. August 17th, 2000 - 13:58 tjz Added the ability in WinView to save a list of file locations that are found by the search in files function. There is now an extra button in the search in files dialog to save the list to a file called SEARCHLIST.TXT. Also updated Brad's colorization facility with now includes support for marking assembly language files. August 10th, 2000 - 13:48 tjz Repaired a bug in the search in files function of WinView, it was inserting an garbage string when the search buffer needed to be expanded. Added a button to the search in files dialog, to allow saving a file called SEARCHLIST.TXT in the current directory that contains a list of the results of the current search. August 8th, 2000 - 14:43 tjz Brad, Eckert has added keyword colorization to WinView, which I have integrated into my latest sources. A new file WINVIEW.COL holds the keyword list, colors and method of colorization indicators. See that file for more information on how to add your own keywords for a specific application. A colorization enable/disable button has been added to the preferences dialog. It does not currently handle multiple line comments, but that may come one day. Thanks Brad! August 3rd, 2000 - 11:02 tjz Added some additional detection code, so that WinView will not inappropriately performa call to a Win32API internet functions, when the internet functions are not present on the machine where WinView is running. Thanks to Julian Noble for reporting this bug. July 31st, 2000 - 15:58 tjz Changed the default behaviour of the toolbar to appear initially as a full toolbar, instead of as a minimum toobar, since some people won't immediately know how to switch between the various toolbar modes. Changed the default floating point cell size from 10 bytes to 8 bytes, since there is a big hit in performance for 10 byte floats, and they aren't needed by everyone. To change this, you just need to edit the EXTEND.F file line just before the FLOAD FLOAT.F line, to set B/FLOAT from 8 bytes to 10 bytes. May 30th, 2000 - 10:31 tjz Added tab expansion to DC.F for use in WinView, including two new methods: SetTabWidth: and GetTabWidth: to set a simple default tab width, when you don't want to want to manually use an array of tab settings. The printer method Type: now expands tabs to the width set by the above method, which defaults to eight (8) spaces. WinView will now expand tabs during printing, as well as on the display when in browse mode. May 8th, 2000 - 9:25 Robert Smith reported that if when using WinView, you use the print button on the toolbar, which is setup to print the entire file, then, you use the PRINT menu item under FILE, it will just print the whole file again, and will not give you any opportunity to set page range, or other print parameters. Corrected this by modifying PRINT-TEXT in WinView. March 9th, 2000 - 10:47 Added USED, which takes a command line following, and after interpreting it, displays the amount of memory used by the line. USED ( ---- ) Added .REGISTRY which displays the current registry settings for Win32Forth. Updated WINBROWS.F to include the variable sized scroll bars, and to allow it to handle files with more than 32000 lines better. March 3rd, 2000 - 11:10 Added a ToolBar Options submenu to the Edit menu, containing the items needed to open, close, float, unfloat and switch the size of the toolbar. Re-engineered the perferences dialog to be more logically grouped, and added Toolbar options. March 2nd, 2000 - 11:33 After some experimentation with adjusting the value of LMAXCOUNTED, I believe the reason WinView was crashing, was because LMAXCOUNTED is passed to LOCALALLOC: lots of times, and Windows has a problem with allocating data on the stack that is greater than 4k bytes. Reducing LMAXCOUNTED to 1k seems to fix the problem. Modified the word wrap disable preferences so that a right margin of zero (0) disables word wrap, instead of having to enter the maximum right margin, which is now 1024. March 1st, 2000 - 16:37 Corrected some bugs in the kenel, related to console color handling. Also added getFg and getBg to the wrapper, to allow getting the current console colors. If either of these returns -1, then the system color is being used. Corespondingly, if you set the console colors to -1 with FGBG! then the system colors are used. This is the default. Also modified WinView to use the default system color. It won't change colors while it is running, if you change the system colors, but if you shut it down, and restart it, then it will have the right colors. February 24th, 2000 - 14:34 Changed scroll bar handling in WinView, to not use resizable scrollbars in the case when the file being edited has more than 32767 lines. It con't easily be made to work, becasue of a problem with Windows, so revert to non-adjustable scrollbars for large files. January 17th, 2000 - 10:39 Repaired a problem with BLOCK.F as reported by Clemens Hintze relating to the variable ?LOADING, which was being treated like a VALUE, causing a compile error. FIXED Added two new variables to FKERNEL.F, relating to default file extention application. VARIABLE EXT_ADDED? \ January 17th, 2000 - 10:31 EXT_ADDED? contains TRUE if a file extention was added to a file after a call to ?DEFEXT. VARIABLE DEFEXT_ON? \ January 17th, 2000 - 10:31 DEFEXT_ON? contains TRUE if the addition of a default file extention is enabled, and FALSE if it is disabled. Also made some changes to WINVIEW.F, to make it behave better, when a file is passed to it that has no extention. WINVIEW will try to open the filename as passed first, and if it failes, then it will try adding the default file extention. October 12th, 1999 - 9:18 tjz Cleaned up a problem where the status line wasn't being updated unless the mouse was moved. Added a status line update to just before KEY in VIEW-KEY-LOOP. October 7th, 1999 - 9:31 tjz Added a feature to the hyper text compiler that recognizes a lineend like a space, in looking for the end of a word. Suggested by Michael Steen. October 6th, 1999 - 11:16 tjz Cleaned up the toolbar support somewhat. It is now possible to float a toolbar, see WinView as an example. It still isn't particularly clean, but it seems to work ok for the time being. It looks like it would be a lot more work to do a real dockable/undockable toolbar. September 7th, 1999 - 22:48 tjz corrected a bug reported by Jos v.c. Ven, seems I forgot to initialize the super class of EditControl when I added some enhancements. September 2nd, 1999 - 3:35 tjz Fixed a bunch of bugs related to the changes I have been making to the ToolBar enhancements. It seems I wasn't clearing the ToolBar handle to null, when closing the toolbar, which caused some serious problems when I tried to reopen it. I also wasn't closing the tool buttons either. It was easy to fix, but there are big errors. It is clear to me, that this Windows programming thing is way too hard, and we should all stop doing it. Now that I have that off my chest, the latests WinView enhancements include a recent files list in the File menu, and a saved and restored list of recent search strings. August 17th, 1999 - 13:54 tjz Cleaned up some of the Forth console support in WinView, so you can opena nd close the console with right popup menus. Also repaired the ?F command line option, so it will now open up the Console window if it isn't already open, and pass the remainder of the command line to Forth for interpretation. Added right popup menus to the toolbar, so you can easily switch between the two bar sizes, or clsoe the toolbar if you want. August 11th, 1999 - 11:59 tjz Thanks you Alan M Robertson for the bug report on WinView. Seems WinView was not always matching files opened multiple times as really one file. FIXED I have done a bunch of work on the WInView ToolBar classes. WinView now has a search text ComboBox in the ToolBar, and CLASSES.F has been updated to support this additional functionality as well. A program can easily capture keys and KILLFOCUS from a ComboBox, and perform application specific operations. For example you can edit in a new find string, and then press F3 to find the text in WinView. WinView also now has two toolbars. A minimum bar that has most, but not all the original functonality (I took out the hyper buttons), and a new double row toolbar that has everything. ToolBars aren't un-dockable yet, but I'm thinking about it. August 2nd, 1999 - 10:25 tjz Updated ANS documentation to include the fact that the maximum number of local variables was increased from the original eight (8) to the current twelve (12) . The following source lines as they existed in the definition of '{' were originally supposed to prevent the creation of an extra local variable, when a 'name' type comment was inserted into a local variable declaration. I now believe this was a bad idea, and could prevent real local variables from being defined, when they start with a ''' character. FIRSTCHR DUP [CHAR] - <> \ as in { name -- } SWAP [CHAR] ' <> AND \ or as { name 'name' -- } Also reworked '{', to allow local variables to be broken into multiple lines, as suggested by Robert Smith. Added a definiton NEXTWORD, that gets a word from the input stream, even if a line crossing is needed. : NEXTWORD ( char -- adr flag ) \ flag=TRUE if we got a word, else FALSE BEGIN DUP WORD DUP C@ 0= WHILE refill 0= IF NIP \ discard 'char' FALSE \ can't find a word _EXIT \ time to leave ELSE DROP \ discard empty word THEN REPEAT NIP TRUE ; July 29th, 1999 - 14:53 tjz Added new classes to BUTTON.F, for use on ToolBars. You can now add either an EditField, or an editable ComboField to the ToolBar. This functionality is used in WinView to put the editable find field on the ToolBar. Examine WinView for details of use, but it is rellatively easy. Here is an extract of of part of the WinView ToolBar code. Notice the lines between the "***" lines. ComboField defines an editable Combo Select list that is 120 pixels wide named "findCombo". "findCombo" is used to manipulate the ComboField object. The definitoin lower down, for "myWmChar", and "myWmKeyDown", provide the linkage to test for particular keys, like Enter or F3, so you can perform the search while the find text is being edited. These functons must be installed using the methods SetWmChar: and SetWmKeyDown:. ToolBar Edit-Tool-Bar "WINVIEW.BMP" 4 HSpace 0 PictureButton new-text ; \ new ButtonInfo" New Text File (Ctrl+N) " 7 HSpace \ *************************************************************** 120 ComboField findCombo \ "findCombo" used to manipulate the list ButtonInfo" Find Text " findCombo to findEditCombo \ link for forward reference \ *************************************************************** 7 HSpace 5 PictureButton s" STARTUP.TXT" "browse ; ButtonInfo" Help me get started (F1) " 5 HSpace ENDBAR : myWmChar ( h m w l obj -- res ) 2 pick VK_RETURN = \ if return IF GetText: [ ] \ get adr,len of edit control text "CLIP" find-buf place \ save string in find buffer find-text-again \ search for it FALSE \ we already processed this message ELSE drop \ discard object TRUE \ and use default processing THEN ; ' myWmChar SetWmChar: findCombo : myWmKeyDown ( h m w l obj -- res ) 2 pick VK_F3 = \ if F3 IF GetText: [ ] \ get adr,len of edit control text "CLIP" find-buf place \ save string in find buffer find-text-again \ search for it FALSE \ we already processed this message ELSE drop \ discard object TRUE \ and use default processing THEN ; ' myWmKeyDown SetWmKeyDown: findCombo Notice also, that "EditField", and "ComboField", *UNLIKE* "PictureButton" are NOT followed immediately by the body of a colon definiton. Their function MUST be installed later as described above. These changes required significant enhancements to the EditControl class and the ComboControl class in the file CONTROLS.F July 28th, 1999 - 12:08 tjz Added automatic horizontal scrolling to the EditControl in CONTROLS.F. July 19th, 1999 - 9:25 tjz Removed Pierre Abbat's web page reference from the Win32Forth help menu, is no longer valid. June 21st, 1999 - 10:37 tjz Got a question from Gorg Huff, wondering if GetPixel was implemented, and it appears I isn't, so I have added it to DC.F in class WinDC. SetPixel, was already present in DC.F. June 1st, 1999 - 10:56 tjz Fixed a bug in DC.F, reported by Robert Smith. When the page borders were turned off in printing WinView pages, it would ignore the ending page number of the pages to print. FIXED. May 20th, 1999 - 11:55 tjz Modified Win32Forth and WinView so the console can show up inside of WinView's window. There is an new item in WinView preferences dialog that allows showing or hiding the Forth console window. When you open the console, Win32Forth is automatically started up if it isn't already reunning. If Win32Forth is running, then WinView will capture the console window. So, you have a choice, you can have Forth and WinView use a single split window, or they can use separate window. It still seems kind of flakey, to run Win32Forth in a window inside WinView, so you shouldn't rely on this feature sticking around, unless I can get it working properly all the time. May 10th, 1999 - 12:22 Added "HTML to WinView, which reads an HTML page from the web. Added a User preference to the WinView preferences, to allow specifying whether WinView will try to open Web pages within itself, rather than posting them to the default system web browser. You can't browse any images, but for text it is pretty fast. Web pages are cached as numerically incremented files, as they are opened, so you can rotate around them quickly with Control+PgUp and Control+PgDn. It handles relative links by attempting to extract the base URL from the current page where the relative link is located. It seems at least with minimal testing to work fairly well. Increased the maximum number of local variables that are allowed in a single definition from ten to twelve. May 6th, 1999 - 11:10 tjz Added FUNC: to WinLib.F, to allow call syntax compatibility with Forth Inc's SwiftForth. April 29th, 1999 - 15:21 tjz Added tighter checking to TO and +TO, to prevent their being used on words that they don't work on, like VARIABLEs, CONSTANTs and DEFERed words. April 26th, 1999 - 14:27 tjz Added the auto load feature of Win32Forth back in, so you can highlight text, and press F11 or use the editor menu item called "Copy & Paste to Win32Forth", to automatically load some code into Win32Forth. Win32Forth must already be loaded, or the command is ignored. April 23rd, 1999 - 13:06 tjz Removed COMMCTRL.DLL from the list of DLLs listed in WINLIB.F. It appears to be a 16bit DLL, and won't work with Win32Forth anyway. Win32Forth needs to use COMCTL32.DLL instead. Enhanced WINCON-NUMBER? in WINLIB.F, so it will be able to find constants that exist in both ANSI and UNICODE version in WINCON.DLL. If a constant is not found, then WINCON-NUMBER? appends a 'A' to the constant name, and tries again. Corrected a bug in CAPS-SEARCH, that was returning a temporary buffer address instead of the source buffer address. Added a status bar to WinView, When you are in browse mode. It displays the contents of any hyper-text link you position the mouse over, at other times, it displays the current cursor position.. April 21st, 1999 - 14:57 tjz Fixed some bugs in WinViews handling of hypertext links. I'm sure all the bugs aren't fixed, but its getting better. Also fixed a bug related to paragraph shifting, where you highlight a series of lines, and use TAB and Shift-TAB to move the text right and left on the screen. I had an off by one calculation error related to the change to longer lines. April 19th, 1999 - 14:57 tjz Modified WinView so it can handle longer lines. Now lines can be upto 1024 characters in length before they get force wrapped. April 15th, 1999 - 10:52 tjz Corrected a bug in ResizePointer in POINTER.F, where ResizePointer would crash if it was executed before the pointer being resized was allocated. April 14th, 1999 - 11:35 tjz Added Bitmap display support to WinView. You can now display pictures just by opening them, or hyper linking to them. You can't modify them in any way, or print or save them though. Thanks to Bruno Gauthier and others who worked on WinDemo.F, which I copied portions of to add this capability. April 13th, 1999 - 13:25 tjz Added support in WinView for the resizable scroll bars for Windows 98 and WindowsNT. Added Win32API help links to STARTUP.TXT. Also added the rational files from DPANS94. Unfortunately, this pushed the size of Win32Forth above the 1.4meg size limit for floppies, but I guess it had to happen sometime. April 12th, 1999 - 14:12 tjz Added Autoclose to the tooltips, after 2 1/2 seconds. Changes were in CONTROL.F. Also added "SetAutoClose: ( flag -- )" and GetAutoClose: ( -- flag ) to manipulate the auto closing status of a particular window. The default is autoclose enabled. April 5th, 1999 - 15:28 Added a new version of printing for bitmaps to WinDemo.F from Bruno Gautier. April 5th, 1999 - 15:00 tjz ************************* Released Version 4.1 ************************ April 5th, 1999 - 10:03 tjz Finally added Will Baden's MACRO definition to Win32Forth. April 2nd, 1999 - 17:37 tjz Corrected an off by one error in WinView in function ">sifEntry", reported by Isaac T Evans . March 31st, 1999 - 17:26 tjz Added WinClock.F, another example program. It displays a graphical analog clock in a resizable window. March 30th, 1999 - 8:35 tjz Received an enhanced version of WinDemo, that supports saving .BMP and .DIB image files in various color depths from Bruno Gauthier. I have also included some enhancements of my own, ported from a TCOM program I wrote some years ago called LINEWALK. March 18th, 1999 - 17:05 tjz Modified the Find In Files section of the files listbox, to display the text of the line where the searched for text was found. This makes it easier to scan through a list of files and see which occurances you want to change. March 17th, 1999 - 17:21 tjz Added a list box to the file list window at the left of the edit area of WinView. The listbox allows selecting either the list of open files, or the list files where you most recently performed a Find In Files. If you hold the mouse over one of the files, its full file path and lien number will be displayed. To make the list visible, you have to drag the vertical splitter bar to the right, since it defaults to closed. March 16th, 1999 - 9:05 tjz Received a final update to FLOAT.F from Robert Smith, that deals with the F>D bug, as well as other floating concerns in the area of truncation and rounding. Also integrated FCALL from Bill McCarthy, that allows performing CALLs to DLL functions that pass floating point number into and out of a CALL. Also included a fix from Bill McCarth to N"OPEN, where it was failing when trying to open short two letter filenames. FIXED March 12th, 1999 - 10:05 tjz Added right mouse popup menus to the console. Here is an example of how to replace the default right mouse popup. --- cut --- example of a new right mouse popup menu POPUPBAR Console-Popup-bar POPUP " " MENUCONSOLE "Exit" bye ; ENDBAR Console-Popup-bar to console-popup conhndl Start: console-popup --- cut --- March 9th, 1999 - 17:36 tjz Added correcting code for the F>D bug reported on comp.lang.forth. Recieved a fix from Yves Surrel It seems Win32Forth's DLL support was broken, so I have corrected the problem, and updated Win32Forth to include the minimal DLL wrapper needed to allow people with WindowsNT to create simple DLLs. NOTE! That is ONLY in WindowsNT, not Windows95 or 98. The process is pretty simple, just startup Win32Forth, and type this commandline; FLOAD FORTHDLL.F This builds the DLL named FORTHDLL.DLL. Then type BYE, and restart Win32Forth again. Now type in, or copy and paste the following lines. WinLibrary FORTHDLL.DLL \ make the DLL available to Forth 4 proc DLLForthEntry \ declare the DLL entry point \ this not needed, but it can be done fload MESSAGES.H \ load the DLL function names : DLLWORDS ( -- ) 0 0 0 DLL_WORDS \ the four arguments to the DLL call DLLForthEntry drop; \ call the DLL_WORDS function \ in the Forth DLL DLLWORDS \ execute 'words' out of the DLL \ wait for it to finish..... Win32Forth will link to FORTHDLL.DLL, build a word to access the DLL_WORDS function called DLLWORDS, and then execute that word. You will see a new Win32Forth window appear on top of the Win32Forth window that is already on the screen (you can move it away to see both windows), and this new console window will be displaying the Forth word list. You just built and execute your first DLL. This is the extent of the support I can provide for building DLLs, but al the pieces are there, and the process is much simpler than it used to be. not to mention that you don't need Visual C++ any more to build the DLL wrapper, since I am providing the wrapper in the release.. February 16th, 1999 - 17:33 tjz Added in a modified version of the WinDemo.F example program, that has the ability to open .BMP files, and to paste .Bit mapped graphics into the WinDemo window. Thank you Fridemar, and Bruno. Added some support for some additional HTML tags. Implemented a (hopefully) correct version of EKEY>CHAR. February 8th, 1999 - 16:33 tjz Fixed a bug reported by Bruno Gauthier, where use of search and replace could have tried to search for the wrong text, if you had used Find In FIles multiple times. FIXED February 1st, 1999 - 11:08 tjz Corrected a stack bug in WinView, reported by Bruno Gautier in the function "AddFile. January 28th, 1999 - 9:07 tjz Added additional comments submitted by Bruno Gauthier, for the ISO 8859-1 characters set recognition in WinView. January 27th, 1999 - 11:27 tjz Modified MARKER to preserve and restore the search order. January 25th, 1999 - 9:13 tjz Removed an extra ?UPPERCASE from the definition of HASH>, as reported by Bruno Gauthier. January 20th, 1999 - 10:52 tjz Added international character support to WinViews HTML hypertext processor, as submitted by Bruno Gauthier. January 11th, 1999 - 11:05 tjz Changed the default floating point size from eight (8) bytes to ten (10) bytes. Extended User area in kernel from 1024 bytes to 4096 bytes. Added new kernel words relating to user variables; NEWUSER ( bytes -- ) define a user variable of 'bytes' size in the next available bytes of user space. NEXT-USER ( -- adr1 ) A static variable in the kernel that holds the offset of the next available byte of user space. .USERSIZE ( -- ) Displays the amount of memory used and avaiable in the user space. Moved the floating point stack into USER space. This involved a change in registers in most floating point words, but should not effect floating point performance. January 8th, 1999 - 10:25 tjz Adjusted the maximum console window limits from 128 columns and 512 rows, to 200 columns and 1024 rows. Added TAB expansion to display in browse mode. There are problems with trying to hyper link to words by clicking, in lines that contain HTML or TABs Links will work ok, but you won't for example be able to click of a Forth word and have WinView show you the source if the word appears on a line containing HTML or any TABs. December 23rd, 1998 - 14:47 tjz Removed DPANS94.TXT, and added in all the HTML DPANS files. The help menu is substantially reworked, and now includes a line to access the list of ANS Forth words, from the HTM file that is part of the standard. This replaces the Control-F1 search function in WinView that was previously used. It isn't quite as automatic, but it is much more readable. December 22nd, 1998 - 11:42 tjz Improved HTML support, now recognizes named labels that aren't quoted. Also fixed some bugs in html file opening. Changed WinView so it will open HTML files in browse mode, by recognizing the tag at the start of the file. December 17th, 1998 - 14:18 tjz Enhanced support for HTML tags somewhat. Horizontal Rules now work, and embeded links are now handled better. Still a long way to go before HTML support would be considered really useful. December 16th, 1998 - 10:05 tjz Added additional Win32Forth related Home pages for users, and added the Forth FAQ's to the Help menu. December 15th, 1998 - 17:45 tjz Enhanced the hyper link support to allow multiple links on the same line to work correctly. December 14th, 1998 - 11:45 tjz Added Web hyper text links to Win32Forth. You can now use a new word "Web-Link, to pass a web link to the default web browser. I have added a Forth console File menu item (Ctrl-W) to allow entering a web link, and I have added several web based help links to the console Help menu. The new Forth word 'WEB ' typed at the Forth commandline will pass the link on to the default web browser. Also added hypertext web links to WinView, so you can for example click on the link below (You must be in browse mode, press Shift-F9 if you aren't in browse mode), and get sent to the Forth Interest Groups Home page. Forth Interest Group's Home Page December 10th, 1998 - 16:39 tjz Added an option to the find in files dialog of WinView, to allo finding all occurances of a string, as well as just the first occurance of a string in a file. It really just finds the first occurance in any line, but at least it finds all the lines in a file that contain the string. Added ResizePointer to POINTER.F, to allow easy resizing of allocated memory blocks. December 3rd, 1998 - 14:38 tjz Added a correction snet in from Jeff Kelm, for BLOCK.F, where it was not fully erasing a block that was WIPEed. FIXED. October 9th, 1998 - 17:26 tjz Added corrections for several occurances of OPEN-FILE, where its use was leaving extra items on the stack. This seems ot have only occured in the example programs. Submitted by Bruno Gauthier. FIXED August 31st, 1998 - 13:25 tjz Added the definitions of FVALUE and FTO to FLOAT.F, as extracted from a posting to comp.lang.forth by: Jos v.d.Ven at . Extracted with his permission. Added testing for Windows98, as suggested by Burno Gauthier. Mofidied 95? to return false when running on Windows98, and added 98? to return a true flag when running on Windows98. August 24th, 1998 - 9:09 tjz Pierre Abbat reports that CTYPE.F is in the system dictionary, and should be in the application dictionary. FIXED Pierre has also reported that NUMBER? somtimes returns a non zero double value when it fails to convert a string. He suggested I modify the indicated line, to drop the address and zero length, and then replace it with a double zero. FIXED If this causes problems for anyone, let me know, and I will look into it more carefully. : NUMBER? ( addr len -- d1 f1 ) FALSE TO DOUBLE? \ initially not a double # -1 TO DP-LOCATION OVER C@ [CHAR] - = OVER 0> AND DUP>R IF 1 /STRING THEN DUP 0= IF R>DROP \ **** change following line ***** 2DROP 0 0 FALSE _EXIT \ return zero on failure THEN ....... ; August 7th, 1998 - 9:30 tjz Added bug fixes to method DoMenu: in three places in MENU.F, to correct for a reentrancy problem with menus. This was reported with fixes by Pierre Abbat. August 6th, 1998 - 13:54 tjz Added a new method; 'SetTextAlign: ( flag -- )' to allow alignments of text in a window control. July 29th, 1998 - 9:07 tjz Corrected a bug in FLOAT.F in the definition of 'F~', where a '@' was missing after FSP, which was incorrectly performing a stack depth calculation. Reported by Pierre Abbat. Fixed bugs in methods PolyBezierTo: and PolyBezier:, where an extra 'swap' followed 'rel>abs'. Reported by Pierre Abbat. Added the method Polygon: to DC.F, as suggested by Pierre Abbat. July 20th, 1998 - 10:04 tjz Changed the color of the page break lines to one that would show up on a system that only has 256 colors. FIXED June 8th, 1998 - 8:52 tjz Corrected a bug in WndProcError, reported by Bruno Gauthier, where it would leave an extra item on the stack when it was called in an error condition. Corrected a stack bug in DO-LIST, in WINLIB.F, reported by Bruno Gautier. Finally corrected the crash bug in WinView, that so many people have seen. It was related to browse mode, which I had never realized, and had subsequently not been able to reproduce. It was related to the repeated creation and deletion of fonts when running under Windows95. Apparently Windows95 doesn't like that. I have fixed it by only creating the fonts I need once, when they are needed. Thanks to all who providced input and suggestions on repairing this bug. June 5th, 1998 - 14:38 tjz Corrected a stack bug in HYPER.F in the definition MAKE-INDEX. Reported with fix by Bruno Gauthier. June 4th, 1998 - 12:38 tjz Added code to windows messages WM_VSCROLL and WM_HSCROLL of class EditWindowClass, to prevent these methods from being re-entered recursively. This could account for the out of memory problems that have been observed by some users. Also modified the RePaint: Method to prevent it's being called recursively. If it is, then the SaveDC: method will save a bunch of information on windows stack, and may be using up a bunch of system space that it shouldn't. June 3rd, 1998 - 8:13 tjz Corrected a bug in class BUTTON, and CONTROL, where an AND was put incorrectly into the method of "amForeground?:" in BUTTON, and should have been in method "On_MouseMove:" in class CONTROL. Reported by Bruno Gauthier. Modified WinView, to wrap around when searching, to the start of a file and continue the search. Also modified search backwards to wrap around to the end of a file and continue the search. This is more like Visual C's editor, and is more preferable to me. It will still beep, if it doesn't find any text after wrapping around once. June 2nd, 1998 - 18:13 tjz Corrected the WM_MOUSEMOVE method in class CONTROL to allow the dialog procedure to properly handle text highlighting. Reported by Viviane Beullens. May 29th, 1998 - 16:05 tjz Fixed a bug in WinView, where highlighted text wouldn't backup when Shift-TAB was pressed. Also changed highlighted TAB adn Shift-TAB, so they now shift by the normal tab size, instead of one character at a time. May 28th, 1998 - 14:16 tjz Fixed a couple of bugs, in WinView. One related to highlighting texct in the first line of a file, and a couple related to properly positioning the cursor when performing a hypertext link, or a remote edit from Win32Forth. May 21st, 1998 - 9:09 tjz Added highlighted text detection and capture to find in files in WinView. Modified HIGHLIGHT" to return the first line of a multiple line highlight text section. May 20th, 1998 tjz Also changed several VALUEs to VARIABLEs, in the forget chain links that were used to keep track of windows and the like. This could cause problems for anyone who is using these internal veriables. ************************* Update FOUR release ************************ May 20th, 1998 - 15:23 tjz Fixed a bug in _ResetSrcInfo in file DBGSRC1.F, where it was dropping an extra item off the stack improperly under some conditions. May 20th, 1998 - 9:22 tjz Fixed several bugs related to FORGET. I had a bunch of places where I had created classes that built linked lists, so that any object created in that class could be properly initialized. Unfortunately I had forgotten to include code to allow these chains to be trimmed in FORGET. This has been corrected. Also added a class DialogWindow, that allows the creation of windows that act like dialogs, and can use tabs. May 9th, 1998 - 13:30 tjz Fixed stack bug in REFLECT-WINDOW in WINVIEW.F, as reported by Bruno Gauthier. May 8th, 1998 - 16:20 tjz Added stack fix to the HTML statment processor for ". April 22nd, 1998 - 13:03 tjz Fixed the get focus problem in WinView, that has been reported by several people. I asked Andrew how it should work, and it seems it only needs to pass focus to the child window, to work properly. FIXED April 21st, 1998 - 16:21 tjz Another report from Bruno, on WinView missing a 'drop' in the method 'SetLine:' of class 'SelectListClass'. FIXED April 20th, 1998 - 16:35 tjz Corrected several bugs reported by Bruno Gautier, in DC.F, related to inappropriate DROPs when 'drawing?' was turned off. Don't know how I missed this, but I did. FIXED April 17th, 1998 - 13:39 tjz Added corrections from Jeff Kelm, for BLOCK.F. Performing a '0 BLOCK .' would return a different block buffer each time a BLOCK was performed. This was causing problems when updating blocks. FIXED March 4th, 1998 - 15:26 tjz Corrected some bugs in WinView, where it wasn't updating the title line after pressing HOME-LINE, END-LINE, WORD-LEFT, and WORD-RIGHT. Reported by Brad Eckert. February 13th, 1998 - 15:11 tjz Corrected RESTORE-INPUT in the files UTILS.F and BLOCK.F. It was reported by "Elko Tchernev " that RESTORE-INPUT should return a flag per the ANS standard. ************************* Update THREE release ************************ January 16th, 1998 - 9:11 tjz Corrected a bug in the definition of F~ in FLOAT.F. Reported and correction by Pierre Abbat, modified correction incorporated from Robert Smith. January 13th, 1998 - 9:34 tjz Corrected a a bug in OPEN-FILE, reported by Beberst, and corrected bugs in FLOAT.F reported by Pierre Abbat, and Robert Smith. November 25th, 1997 - 16:30 tjz Fixed documentation error, that should have said press Ctrl+F1 to get help on an ANS word, rather than F1. Reported by Daryl Lee. Pierre Abbat reported that creating a color object and then subsequently forgetting it would cause a crash. This has been fixed by adding TRIM-COLORS to FORGET-CHAIN as he suggests. MENU NOTE: I would like to note that there is a similar problem with defining menus, and then forgetting them, but I haven't fixed that yet, so don't try to forget a menu. October 28th, 1997 - 9:07 tjz fixed a bug in WinView, reported by Fredrich Prinz. Seems the filelist displayed in the split left column of WinView didn't change the same of a file that had been saved with SaveAs. FIXED. October 27th, 1997 - 15:25 tjz Fixed a bug in FKERNEL.F. I had reversed the order of the two variables that were restored in DO-INCLUDE. I can't remember who reported this, but thank you, whevere you are. October 15th, 1997 ************************* Update TWO release ************************ October 15th, 1997 - 8:48 tjz Picked up a report of the net, to fix a bug in WinView, where the hand cursor didn't show up when in browse mode, and the cursor is over a hyper link. It was supposed to show a hand cursor, but that cursor apparently isn't availalbe under Win32s. Reported by Edgar Lynk, and the fix was reported by Jeff Kelm. October 8th, 1997 - 8:48 tjz Received several WinView bug reports from Wolfgang Engler, relating to reverse searching, and documentation errors. These have been corrected. He also reported a problem with the font changing when scrolling. This has been reported by others as well, and I believe it relates to low memory conditions in Windows 95. I can only suggest that you try increasing you swap file size, or get more memory. September 30th, 1997 - 17:37 tjz & rls Received and included a correction from Robert Smith for >FLOAT. September 24th, 1997 - 12:04 tjz Updated FLOAT.F with bug fixes from Robert Smith, and an additional correction to require the presence of the 'E' in a floating point number when it is entered interpretively. September 18th, 1997 - 16:27 tjz Updated WINCON.DLL, to include the constants for common controls (COMMCTRL.H), which are needed by some. Also added COMCTRL.DLL to the list of DLLs that are preloaded into Win32Forth. There are now over nine thousand four hundred (9400) constants in WINCON.DLL. September 10th, 1997 - 14:52 tjz Fixed a bug reported by Norbert Hoppe, where the debugger was highlighting the wrong source text when a source being debugged was loaded a second time. FIXED Required minor changes to the files: NFORGET.F, DBGSRC1.F and PRIMUTIL.F August 12th, 1997 ************************* Update ONE release ************************ August 11th, 1997 - 9:09 tjz Corrected a bug in FKERNEL.F, in the definition of REFILL. Several people noticed that Win32Forth was compiling slower than it used to compile. Brad Eckert spent some time investigating, and found that REFILL was performing a FFILE-POSIITON call, to get the position into the current file. It turns out that this is a very slow system call. I have reworked REFILL to correct this problem. Fixed a bug reported by Charles Esson, in CLASS.F, in the definitions where the following is used: dup IDX-HDR reserve Since IDX-HDR may take two items from the stack, it needed to be coded as follows: dup>r IDX-HDR reserver r> August 5th, 1997 - 13:55 TJZ Fixed several bugs in WinView, related to cursor update, plus a couple of stack problems. July 30th, 1997 - 8:34 tjz Bruno ???, informed me of a bug in WinView, in the definition of MARGIN-CHECK. Added a DROP to clean up the stack. FIXED Added a nice feature to WinView. If you hold down the Control key, while draging the vertical scroll button, WinView will scroll one line at a time, when editing very large files. Normally WinView will scroll by the number of lines in the file, divided by the number of pixels in the scroll bar. This provides a more precise control of local scrolling. July 29th, 1997 tjz ******** Release of version 3.5 ************* July 25th, 1997 - 17:40 tjz Removed NIP from ANEW, that was causing a stack underflow on reload. July 9th, 1997 - 8:56 tjz Received and implemented a correction from Pierre Abbat on example program ROMCALC.F. FIXED June 13th, 1997 - 8:36 tjz Fixed a bug in MoveCursor: in file WINDOW.F. It was positioning the cursor one bit too high in the line, and was leaving little cursor tracks when the cursor was moved. June 12th, 1997 - 17:54 tjz Fixed a performance problem in WinView, where it was refreshing the screen on every keystroke. Now it ony refreshes the screen when it needs to. June 10th, 1997 - 11:03 tjz Fixed a bug reported by Elko Tchernev, where a negative allot (an unusual but legal operation) would fail if passed a value more negative than -1000. Fixed in FKERNEL.F in the word ?MEMCHK. June 2nd, 1997 - 8:43 tjz Fixed a bug reported by Gary Bergstrom, where SEARCH-WORDLIST would cause an exception if it was passed a string length of zero. It turned out to be a problem with the code word "#HASH, which I fixed. Also fixed a bug in WinView, that was preventing the /B (browse) commandline option from working. May 22nd, 1997 - 10:59 tjz Added shift click to allow highlighting areas of the console that exceed the visible area of the window, and added backward drag support to allow highlighting areas of the console with a backwards click drag. Added back in Cut text (Ctrl+X) as function CUT-CONSOLE, to highlight all the console, copy it, and then clear the screen. Only cuts the console if no text is currently marked. If text is marked, then it just beeps. Added Mark All (Ctrl+A) as function MARK-ALL, to highlight all the text in the console. Added function MARK-NONE to clear the marking of any text in the console. May 21st, 1997 - 17:17 tjz Added mark and copy to the console. Removed Cut, it didn't make sense with the new mark and copy capability. Integrated in a modified disassembler, with enhancements to the floating point anda few other instructions. April 29th, 1997 - 9:32 tjz Modified the WINDOW.F method LoadMenu: to accept a dummy "parent" parameter, to make its stack effect the same as the version in MENU.F. March 26th, 1997 - 8:45 tjz Added extended CASE testing from Bozhil Makaveev. Allows string comparison, starts_with, and contains testing. March 20th, 1997 - 15:43 tjz Improved the Forth console i/o routines, so that QUERY, ACCEPT, etc. now work properly. Allso fixed the F (forth commandline) function in the debugger so that it works now. March 14th, 1997 - 15:49 tjz Changed the subject window from my own implementation fo listbox, into a normal windows dropdown COMBOBOX. Also added several additional controls to the CONTROLS.F file, specifically: ComboControl, ComboListControl, ListControl and GroupControl All of these have been added to the WINDILOG.F example file. Added a conditional test to mouse tracking, to cause mosue movements to be ignored while tracking, if the system is already in the middle of a tracking operation. It turns out that sometimes it takes a long time to complete a tracking operation, and this could cause crashes if too many tracking messages stacked up. Now it only does the ones it can keep up with, and ignores the rest. March 13th, 1997 - 18:10 tjz Added several new items to the subject pane, and also added right mouse popup menus to several of the subject content panes. For ecample, you can use the right mouse button to display the words in a particular vocabulary after selecting the vocabulary in the selection pane. March 11th, 1997 - 18:15 tjz Received information from Andrew that he was contacted by Forth inc. today, about the possiblity of their using Win32Forth as the basis for a new low cost Windows Forth development system. This is very exciting, and I hope it happens. February 20th, 1997 - 8:06 tjz Removed a bunch of value's that were perpetuating conflicts between the new environment and application development. The value's were: CurrentWindow, CurrentHbar, CurrentAbar, CurrentVbar and CurrentLRbar Some of these were used in WinView, and would cause crashes, when they were changed by an application being developed. It turns out, that they were only used in an application anyway, and so, should have been in the application, and not in BUTTON.F. February 11th, 1997 - 9:17 tjz Upgraded to Jim Schneider's version 1.26 of his 486 assembler. He corrected a couple of minor bugs. February 10th, 1997 - 13:38 tjz Modified WINSER.F, to include some changes from Skip Inskeep, relating to CTS serial control. Added Menu items to the File menu, for Save all changes across all files loaded, along with a toolbar button to perform the same function. Added an Unlink menu entry to the Hyper menu, as F10, which is a synonym for close file. This is more compatible with the old F-PC editor. I also added a Shift+F10 File menu item to save all changes of all files and Exit WinView. February 7th, 1997 - 18:33 tjz Modified COLORS.F to include additional functions to generate 'colorref' values. Renamed RGB to PALETTERGB, Added a new implementation of RGB that generates a color that is not in the palette, and added PALETTEINDEX to return the colorref of a specific system palette entry. WinView now keeps all files being edited in memory, until you save them, so be sure to save your changes if you want to be able to compile your modified files. I will be adding a saveall function soon. Still got some bugs, but its very interesting. February 3rd, 1997 - 16:44 tjz Integrated a bunch of changes from Robert Smith into DC.F. Added functions for raw drawing to the printer, which Bob needed for his font editor. Additional functions now allow opening the printer either as a scaled printing device, a raw printing device, or a isotropic device, where the image is scaled, but the aspect ratio is maintained. To avoid creating a bunch of new drawing words for raw drawing, I have changed the drawing word names from things like ScaledMoveTo:, to PrinterMoveTo:. The way the printer is opened, controls how the drawing words operate. this does unfortunately require changing any code you have that references the printer methods, but I think it is a better solution than the alternative, which was to create a bunch of extra methods with names like RawMoveTo:. The changes are too numerous to list here, so you will have to look at DC.F to learn about them. I have changed the example programs accordingly. January 31st, 1997 - 16:43 tjz Added WindowStyle: and ExWindowStyle: methods to the ModlessDialog class. This allows the use of some of the extra window styles available in Windows95 and WindowsNT 4.x Modified the Find/Replace and FindInFiles dialogs to preserve their position during an edit, across multiple opens and closes. Changed the ClassName: method to take an address and length, and changed its name to SetClassName:. Several sample programs were edited to correct for this name change. Changed the GetClassName: method to return an address and length, rather than a null terminated string. Notice however, that I did not change its name. Here are their new definitions: :M SetClassName: ( adr len -- ) WindowClassName place ;M :M GetClassName: ( -- adr len ) WindowClassName count ;M January 29th, 1997 - 10:14 tjz Fixed a bug reported by Robert Smith, where CAPS-SEARCH was returning an address that was one more than it should have been, when the string being searched for was found. This problem was seen when searching for a string in WinView backwards, and there was more than one occurance of the string in the line where the text was found. Fixed in PRIMUTIL.F At the request of Robert Smith, I have added ExtColorObject to the file COLORS.F, which is only supported on Windows95 and WindowsNT. It allows more control of the brush being created than the simpler ColorObject. Also added PenStyle to the instance variables of ColorObject, to allow changing the style of the pen being create for the ColorObject. January 20th, 1997 - 14:21 tjz Added additional methods to the WinDC class as follows; PenColor: \ really a synonym for LineColor: BruchColor: \ set the brush/fill color Ellipse: \ draw an Ellipse Arc: \ draw an Arc FillCircle: \ draw a filled circle Circle: \ draw a circle Updated the code for GetTextExtent: to use dynamically allocated memory, rather than a static buffer. Here is a very simple example, that allow the console window to be used for graphics. About all you have to do, is create a WinDC object, and fill its handle with the DC of the console. Then any of the graphic operations can be used on that WinDC object, as seen here; WinDC theDC : test ( -- ) CONDC PutHandle: theDC \ initialize theDC to the console \ window's DC 0 0 500 500 WHITE FillArea: theDC BLACK LineColor: theDC 0 0 MoveTo: theDC 100 100 LineTo: theDC BLUE BrushColor: theDC 50 50 20 FillCircle: theDC ; Fixed several extra stack item problems in WINVIEW.F. January 20th, 1997 - 9:11 tjz Fixed a bug in WINDEMO.F, reported by Phil Monson. He informed me I had inverted the polarity of the origin offset BIT-ORIGINY. It was causing a 4our pixel droop on one side of the display. He also reported a problem with color selection in WINDEMO, apparently only the last color used is shown when printing. This problem has also been fixed in DC.F. Now I save the color reference of the color being selected, instead of saving the color object itself. It seem that some applications, particularly WINDEMO.F, use only a single color object, and change the color within the object. January 8th, 1997 - 10:52 tjz Updated STARTUP.TXT to include additional information on these latest changes as described below. January 7th, 1997 - 15:25 tjz I have noticed that the page breaks and page numbers displayed in WinView are generally accurate only after the first page has been printed. This is because the lines per page is calculated in DC.F by the code doing the printing. What this means, is simply that if you print using the normal six (6) lines per inch, you will see page breaks in your document that are correct. If however, you change the line per inch to something else, two through twelve, then the page breaks shown won't be correct until you have at least printed one page of the document. I haven't found an easy way to fix this, as the printer needs to be open at the time that the lines per page is calculated. I will continue to look into this, and apply a solution when I can find one. January 6th, 1997 - 18:25 tjz Added page breaks to WinView. Also now display the page number beside page breaks in the left border. The left border automatically resizes to be wide enough to hold the page number of the highest page in the current file. Fixed a bug in DC.F, reported by Robert Smith. I wasn't maintaining the #PAGES properly, so that page numbers would be display on the printed pages properly. I also adjusted several things in DC.F, to make the footer font larger, to right justify the page numbers properly, and to display the filename on a second footer line by itself, rather than trying to center it between the date and the page number. January 3nd, 1997 - 15:00 tjz Enhancements to OOP. Added 'short' (16bit) instance variables. it was a missing datatype for structure creation Added Bit field instance variables to the Record structure within classes. Bit fields are supported in 'byte', 'short' and 'int' instance variables. In the example below, an 'int BinaryBits' is created, then the bit fields within it are defined. Be sure to create exactly enough bit fields (8, 16 or 32) to fill the instance variable you are defining, or a warning will be issued. Added ';RecordSize: SIZEOFRECORDNAME' for ending the definition of a record, and defining a constant that is the size in bytes of the record just created. This is handy when initializing structures as shown in this example code --------------------------------------------- :Object DCB abs Com1Hndl Call GetCommState ?win-error CBR_9600 Put: DCB.BaudRate 8 Put: DCB.ByteSize NOPARITY Put: DCB.fParity ONESTOPBIT Put: DCB.StopBits One really nice thing about the OOP solution, is that it automatically uses the correct memory operator for the field specified, eliminating possible mistakes by the programmer, who might accidently use a long store (!=32bit) on a byte (C!=8bit) field. January 2rd, 1997 tjz Enhancements to OOP. Created a new class word CLONE, to be used in place of the current word CLONE:. I dislike CLONE: because if requires the existing object name to immediately follow it. This Is just too confusing. The new syntax for CLONE is I think much clearer. Use the following syntax to create a clone of an object; ' ExistingObject Clone NameOfNewObject I have commented out the definition of CLONE:. December 30th, 1996 - 13:55 tjz Installed Jim Schneider's 1.241 version assembler into Win32Forth. He had minor corrections to my latest corrections to the assembler. Per a request from Jim Schneider, I have added a /IMAGE command to the wrapper, so that a particular image filename can be specified on the commandline. The wrapper parses the commandline looking for /IMAGE. If it is found, it attempts to load the image filename following /IMAGE instead of the image file matching the executables name. If there is no image, or if the image file doesn't exist, then the wrapper tries to load the image out of the executables resource file. If this fails an error dialog is displayed and the program terminates. Added a definition for '/IMAGE' to the kernel, that just picks up the word following and discards it. Added additional code to ?DEFEXT, to make it skip any decimal points that might occur within a directory path preceeding the filename. December 19th, 1996 - 13:53 tjz Fixed a long standing problem with callbacks. I was activating Win32Forths callback message processing, before I was installing the default callback message processor. That meant, that if an abort would occur before the default processor got installed in the file GENERIC.F, then Win32Forth would hang. It was simple to fix, I just moved the default callback processof down into WINLIB.F, where it belonged. At the suggestion of Bill Muench, I have made left bracket '[' and right bracket ']' defered words. This simplifies the compiler writters task. Fixed a bug reported by Mark Amerman, floating point numbers were being converted twice, and were put on the floating point stack twice. This was a holdover bug from a fix I made to method detection. I have now fixed it again, in a more general way, so it should now be working properly. December 16th, 1996 - 10:25 tjz Added a variable LAST-LINK to the kernel, to correct a long standing problem with REVEAL. Until today, REVEAL would use the contents of CURRENT to determine which vocabulary to reveal the most recent definition into. This caused problems, if you wanted to change the CURRENT while compiling, since semicolon would come along, and reveal the definition being built, into the wrong vocabulary. This has been corrected, by saving the hash bucket address of where to put the name that is being created in LAST-LINK. Then this saved value is used to REVEAL the name into the vocabulary. December 13th, 1996 - 9:51 tjz I removed the detector in _FIND-TEXT-AGAIN for the control key being pressed, where it would search backwards. I found, after long use, that this was more of a hindrance than a help. So, if you use Control+F3, it picks up the word under the cursor, and searches forward rather than backward. This makes it possible to use searches in macros, where before the backward search was messing things up. December 10th, 1996 - 16:21 tjz Added SOURCE-POSITION to the kernel, so I will have a pointer to where the source file currently being loaded is loading from. This is useful for the creation of index files for an optimizing compiler derivative of Tom Almy's ForthCMP compiler, that I'm working on. December 9th, 1996 - 8:43 tjz Added a function to the wrapper called "SetCharWH", that allows certain people that are experiencing problems with Win32Forth's cursor positioning in the console to adjust the character width that Win32Forth will use. There seems to be a problem with certain countries, where the ANS character set doesn't appear return an average character width that is correct. This is not an ideal solution, but it will help some people. December 6th, 1996 - 17:37 tjz Added FFILE-POSITION to the wrapper, and the kernel, so I could determine the current input stream file offset when compiling. November 27th, 1996 - 10:05 tjz Modified DIS486.F by adding SHOW-NAME, to allow easier modification of the display symbol functionality for the optimizing compiler I am working on. This work is base on Tom Almy's ForthCMP. Make a small correction to the Jim Schneider's assembler as follows; : [esp]? ( does it have only a base of esp? ) ( -- flag ) has-base? has-s-i-b? 0= 4 match-r/m? and and a16bit? 0= and ; \ November 27th, 1996 - 15:57 tjz added When the assembler was asked to assemble a 16bit indirect instruction like this; mov 0 [si], ax It would get confused, and assemble an SIB byte in the middle of the instruction when it shouldn't. November 26th, 1996 - 10:04 tjz Changed the default state of flag SYS-WARNING? to FALSE. Users don't need to be warned about using system words in their applications, unless they are going to TURNKEY them, and TURNKEY already warns that you must be in SYS-WARNING-ON before TURNKEY will be allowed. November 25th, 1996 - 11:04 tjz Modified locals support, to include the ability to add a comment to a local variable stack picture for text that comes from the input stream, in the following form; : test { parm1 parm2 \ parm3 'text_from_input_stream' -- } bl word ...; Parms one and two are initialized from the stack, parm3 is a local variable that is not initialized, and 'text_from_input_stream' is just a comment about text that is read from the input stream bo this word. This comment text must start with a tick ('). November 18th, 1996 - 16:20 tjz Fixed a minor bug in the support for HTML links within a file. I made a change so that a link does a file push, opening a new copy of the file, so that a back hyper link, or a close file takes you back to the previous link instead of leaving you with no file open. This is more consistent with the way other hypertext browsers work. HTML support is still quite limited, but sufficient for creating limited documentation using HTML. Modified printing in WinView, to ignore any HTML it encounters when WinView is in browse mode. November 5th, 1996 - 15:30 tjz Modified _MSGFIND again, to fix a bug where floating point numbers were incorrectly identified as objects. October 30th, 1996 - 15:04 tjz Modified WinView to tell user to use "Save MAC/UNIX file as PC" menu item instead of auto converting in memory when hte file being loaded has more than 4000 lines. The time to convert in memory was just too long, and conversion during the save was much faster. Added UNDER+ as it has been described on comp.lang.forth lately. UNDER+ adds the top stack item to the third stack item. So moving a string address forward one character and reducing its length by one character would be done something like this; ( a1 n1 ) 1 UNDER+ 1- ( a1+1 n1-1 ) October 28th, 1996 - 9:15 tjz Received a bug report and correction from Stephen M. Brault, for the file WINLIB.F. It seems I wasn't doing full error checking on a failed library call. Stephen submitted a simple fix, which has been installed. FIXED October 25th, 1996 - 10:44 tjz Bill Muench found a bug. When "-1" is defined as a constant, entering any negative double number starting with "-1.", would result in a undefined object error. Fixed by performing a valid number check in _MSGFIND before trying to perform the dotted notation testing. This introduces a limitation, in that no combination of "Object.Message" is allowed to be convertable into a valid double number. October 24th, 1996 - 9:12 tjz Found that the "Adjust Forth Dictionaries" menu item and general technique doesn't work under Win32s, so I have abandoned the automatic rebuild technique, in favor of a small text file that walks the user through the process of rebuilding Win32Forth with new dictionary sizes. This file is browsed when the menu item is invoked. October 23rd, 1996 - 8:52 tjz Deleted the lines from SEE.F that define and reference the word A_SYNONYM. The new method for making synonyms, doesn't need this word anymore. October 11th, 1996 - 11:13 tjz Split out the WORDS display of Windows constants, to be done by the word CONSTANTS. I found it irritating to have windows constants (often many) displayed at the end of a WORDS display. Now, WORDS just informs that the word CONSTANTS should be used to display Windows constants. October 9th, 1996 - 13:20 tjz Removed the auto print feature from WinView. That is you used to be able to press the printer button on the toolbar, and have the document printed without prompting if you had already printed at least once during the current edit session. I found this to be unreliable, and so it has been removed. To put it another way, I couldn't fix it, so I took it out. Added a bunch of additional HTML tags to WinView. Most of them are dummys, but WinView can now handle simple html documents. October 9th, 1996 - 15:00 tjz Found a bug in WinView, where the print button on the toolbar would cause a crash the second time it was used. Posted an updated Win32For.TXT file containing the series of things that need to be done to fix the bug, rather than post an updated system. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ SEE THE FILE WIN32FOR.PRV FOR NNOTES ON CHANGES TO WIN32FORTH FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************