September 2012 Meeting Notes

Compiled by Dave Jaffe

Contributions from Kevin Appert and others

SVFIG on Google+ Hangout- long url - tinyurl

Videos - morning (1:28:19) - afternoon1 (36:01) - afternoon2 (25:17)


Coffee and a Chat


Bach Cantatas - CH Ting
"Currently I am making videos of my most favorite cantatas. I have completed the entire BWV51 'Shout to God, all the earth' and two most popular chorals: 'Jesu, Joy of man's desiring' and 'Sheep may safely graze'."


DCW (Digital Chart of the World) Update - CH Ting
"I've re-worked the Digital Chart of the World code so that it does not crash, and it runs faster. Since I have 4 GB of RAM on my PC, I thought I could load the entire 1.8 GB map data file into RAM and then I would not have to read from the data file anymore. It turned out that Windows 7 only allocates 1.5 GB to my F# system. If I ignore Antarctica, 1.5 GB is enough for the rest of the world. The software is now working smoothly. The initial reading of the data file takes 15 seconds. Subsequently, it takes about a second to produce and display a new map."


We ate at the Treehouse.


Introductions, announcements, rumours, and gossip - All assembled
What can SVFIG do to promote Forth?


Sneak Preview: Quantum Computing - Jack Woehr
Jack has volunteered to do our first remote "Hangout" presentation in October. He’ll give us a short preview of what he will be talking about. Please be patient as we have never done this before and it may take a little iteration to get the technology to work.

Here are some of Jack's writings:
QM/QC : The Hdirt Factor: A chat with John Martinis
Camera Excursion to the NIST Ion Trap Quantum Computing Experiment
Quantum Memory: A Chat with Ian Walmsley


The First Application for the Kestrel-2 - Samuel A. Falvo II
"I had no idea what I wanted to present to SVFIG, but I knew I wanted to use the Kestrel-2 to make the presentation. That meant I needed a slide projector program for the Kestrel-2, which I had to write from scratch. So, I'm writing one, thus giving me something to talk about this SVFIG meeting."

Repository of Kestrel-related Source Code and Documents
Source code and datasheet documentation for the cores, MGIA, KIA, and CPU
The complete computer to date




Random Access - All assembled
We'll ask for volunteers to provide short presentations. We may discuss Forth Day and suggestions for promoting Forth in general. Other topics might include the Arduino, the LaunchPad, new products, comp.lang.forth and whatever else occurs to us.


Clean Up



Other items:

4tH now works on Raspberry Pi - 4tH Compiler
Download YouTibe videos - youtube-dl
Five free portable recovery tools
Pololu Products
MinIMU-9 v2 Gyro, Accelerometer, and Compass
Zumo Chassis Kit
Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino
MC33926 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino
DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Carrier
DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Carrier
Generic Linear Actuators
Pololu latest products
Forth Programming Books
25 Microchips That Shook the World - Computer Cowboys Sh-Boom Processor (1988)
Ampex vintage video machine in Stanford's Green Library
Forth Jobs - submitted by Dennis Ruffer
Computer Scientist Level 1 - SPARTA, Inc. - Columbia, MD
Systems Engineer Level 1 -SPARTA, Inc. - Columbia, MD
Surplus Houses
Code Retreat - 12/08/2012

I wrote a proof-of-concept implementation for gforth and ported it to pforth, and Gerry Jackson ported it to iforth, swiftforth, vfxforth, and win32forth. It's basically a recursive one-time file loading scheme with path search. It has switchable behavior so you can either run it interpretively or compile load files so as not to require any extra runtime support on the target system. It's very rough and simplistic yet and has a long way to go (I'm hoping to be ready for a formal initial release by January) but I think it has a lot of potential. - Josh Grams

Modularity without a Name

Meeting Announcement

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