09:43:27 From Christopher Lozinski : Can someone please type the JeForth URL? Google search does not show it. 09:50:27 From Liang Ng : https://github.com/udexon/LSLVL Dr Ting's jeforth Karaoke is just timely and very helpful. I am working with a group of blind students in Sinan district, Guizhou province in China, guided by blind teacher Peng Yong, to learn English. One of the biggest bottlenecks is spelling-to-voice i.e. SPELL = S P E L L = Es Pe Ee El El, as the blind students need to learn English spelling by listening to the sound of the alphabets! May I collaborate or request your help? The README.md page on my github account above shows a few video clips of the blind students speaking simple English sentences. 10:01:38 From rcs : Posted to all? 10:02:59 From Chen-hanson Ting : https://drive.google.com/file/d/15pjFff6ciNDIBR-jVlE_Eusob72YLPmO/view?usp=sharing 10:03:24 From Chen-hanson Ting : chenhansunding@gmail.com 10:03:36 From Dennis Ruffer : http://hcchengithub.github.io/jeforth.3we/ 10:04:36 From Brad Nelson : Dennis I think that's someone else's jeforth 10:05:04 From Dennis Ruffer : Might be 10:05:12 From Brad Nelson : I believe unfortunately there's another jeforth out there beside Dr. Ting's. 10:11:44 From Dave Jaffe : That github is attributed to H.C. Chen from FIGTaiwan 10:22:02 From rcs : https://github.com/BillRagsdale/Forth_Projects 10:24:55 From James Newton : May I ask where these meetings are normally posted? E.g. how can I find the next one? 10:26:25 From Dennis Ruffer : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2v6b9814uIA5egk5-yHAVw 10:26:58 From Dennis Ruffer : Silicon Valley Forth Interest Group 10:28:19 From Dave Jaffe : Meeting announceemnts are posted to the MeetUp Group SV-FIG - join at https://www.meetup.com/SV-FIG 10:36:50 From Kevin Appert : James and everyone, the next one will be on the fourth Saturday of April. The link and password will be the same as this month. The agenda will be posted as far in advance as I can manage, hopefully Wednesday before. The date and time will be available near the beginning near the beginning of each month. 10:37:15 From Kevin Appert : https://www.meetup.com/SV-FIG/ is our Meetup page. 10:37:56 From Kevin Appert : The calendar of future meeting dates is here: 10:39:55 From Kevin Appert : The calendar of future meeting dates is here: http://www.forth.org/svfig/prenext.html 10:42:17 From James Newton : Interesting comment about 'bic' and graphic operators. Then later you mentioned a mouse. It make me curious about how far you have gotten with graphics... you wouldn't happen to be building a GUI? There aren't a lot of Forths that make it to a GUI. 10:45:18 From Kevin Appert : Programming challenge, calculate the date of the next SVFIG Zoom. Read the system date and go from there or suck up the text from Meetup and parse it. Rules: Fourth Saturday except November and December. Those two months are on the THIRD Saturday. 10:48:40 From bb : I was clapping bill 10:48:53 From kc5tja : Anyone who wants to learn more can reach me through the following methods: Mastodon -- @vertigo@hackers.town E-mail -- kc5tja@arrl.net 10:50:56 From kc5tja : Oh, I suppose I should also add my Twitter handle as well -- @samuelafalvoii 10:52:01 From Christopher Lozinski : I have to run for my next meeting, but I will return to watch this. I am very interested in teaching 11:10:03 From James Newton : Since this is about education: Increment always makes me wonder... why do we make programmers learn that? e.g. 1+ or in c ++. Why doesn't the compiler look for the pattern "1 +" (that is 1 space plus) and optimize that to increment? As experienced programmers we do that optimization in our heads. But in educating new programmers, it's unnecessary overhead. As good programmers, writing new versions of Forth, if we cared about teaching, we would add that optimization to the language. 11:25:06 From rcs : http://win32forth.sourceforge.net/ 11:25:42 From Dennis Ruffer : Jos Ven josv@planet.nl 11:31:57 From Christopher Lozinski : https://demo.forestwiki.com/root/spiral 11:32:09 From Kevin Appert : Win32Forth was initially written by Andrew McKewan, Tom Zimmer, Robert Smith and Jim Schneider during 1994 and 1995 11:34:58 From Kevin Appert : It was supported by Finnigan and the huge Forth program for their mass spectrometers. 11:35:37 From James Newton : This forth works in javascript. There re better interfaces to it: https://brendanator.github.io/jsForth/ 11:36:41 From kc5tja : https://microcontrollerslab.com/stm32f103c8t6-blue-pill-pinout-peripherals-programming-features/ 11:36:45 From Kevin Appert : https://www.amazon.com/initeq-STM32F103C8T6-Minimum-Development-Programmer/dp/B079B95L9Y 11:36:55 From Kevin Appert : Blue Pill kit 11:39:10 From James Newton : A good online IDE for many languages including Forth is: https://replit.com/languages/forth But I use: https://ideone.com/ for C and Forth and Prolog and other languages because you don't have to have an account and can see what happens from some code instantly. 11:40:25 From James Newton : I would love to see an intro to the blue pill! 11:43:14 From Christopher Lozinski : Thanks for the links. 11:47:24 From Ken Boak : The Teensy 4.0 is another very capable ARM Dec board. For a our $20 it is breadboard friendly and clocks at 600MHz. 11:50:27 From Ken Boak : Dazzler is a neat board, be great if we could get James B to come and talk about it 11:57:30 From Vilem : I live in czech republic (in Brno 11:58:06 From Vilem : I am sorry i press enter by mistake 11:58:10 From rcs : rcs: No voice or video at the moment. I'm Richard Secrist, Knoxville, TN. 11:59:11 From Vilem : Yes its correct im from czech republic but my mic doesnt work 11:59:29 From Ken Boak : May I include a link to our Facebook Group, facebook. com/groups/PROGRAMMING FORTH all are welcome for regular chat 11:59:29 From James Newton : I'm in Escondido near San Diego. Building my robots from the home office 11:59:30 From rcs : Thank you all!