Meeting Agenda for
Saturday, December 13, 2003

Second Saturday
Cogswell College
1175 Bordeaux Dr.
Sunnyvale, CA

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Starbucks Coffee, Tea, Bagels, and Pastries


MIDI Music - Tim Duncan
Tim will demonstrate all three parts of the MIDI implementation: MIDI input, MIDI output, and interrupt-based timing.


Coming Attraction - A Preview of MuForth - David Frech
A close relative of colorforth, it has the following features:

  1. a kernel, written in C, that is the smallest possible kernel capable of compiling Forth colon definitions (ie, it is self- bootstrapping);
  2. a simple native-code compiler;
  3. a tail-recursive implementation;
  4. a new parser, tokenizer, and interpreter;
  5. colorforth's terseness but implemented without color and without reinventing the OS.

David will tell us a little bit about this new Forth project to whet our appetites for a more complete presentation scheduled for the January 2004 meeting.


Lunch - on your own: Togos or other local eateries


Introductions, Announcements, Rumors, and Gossip


Jef Raskin's Challenge - CH Ting
Jef Raskin's Programming Challenge was introduced at Forth Day last month. A part of the Challenge was to create a Forth word that indicates whether any single key or combination of keys are being pressed at the moment the keyboard is polled. Ting will discuss his solution: an 8051-based experimental board, special keyboard, and Forth software that sends 16 bytes of keyboard information. (Jef Raskin himself will talk about the Challenge in January when he is scheduled to present.)


SVFIG and NewFIG, where are we going? - Kevin Appert
Kevin has a lengthy shopping list of plans and projects to discuss.


Hot Buttons - Group Discussion lead by Kevin Appert
"What's all this about license agreements for toner cartridges? Who owns that CD in your closet and why can't you sell it if you want to? Support is terrible! Microsoft is attempting to take over the world! My copy of Quickbooks just turned itself off! Bring your favorite gripes and grievances."



After meeting

Possible dinner at a location to be determined.

If you would like to present at an SVFIG meeting, contact Kevin Appert.

Meeting Notes

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